# Creating Monitors

Monitors are similar to commands, but instead of running on a command, they run on every message sent. There a lot of useful cases for this feature.

# Your first Monitor

To create a monitor:

  1. Head to your addon folder and create a new folder called monitors.
  2. Inside the monitors folder, create a new file called profanity.js.

Once you are done, the structure should look like this:

└── my-first-addon
    ├── monitors
    │   └── profanity.js
    ├── index.js
    └── package.json
  1. Open profanity.js and type in this code:
const { Monitor } = require("@botbind/klasa");

module.exports = class extends Monitor {
  async run(msg) {
    if (!msg.guild) return; // Ignore DM

    if (!msg.content.includes("shit")) return;

    if (msg.deletable) msg.delete();

Here we are importing the Monitor class and exporting a new Monitor. In this example, whenever a message comes through that contains the word "Shit" gets deleted.

# Monitor Options

Here all the options at once, you only have to add whichever ones you need to change:

module.exports = class extends Monitor {
  constructor(...args) {
    super(...args, {
      name: "profanity",
      enabled: true,
      ignoreBots: true,
      ignoreSelf: true,
      ignoreOthers: true,
      ignoreWebhooks: true,
      ignoreEdits: true,
      ignoreBlacklistedUsers: true,
      ignoreBlacklistedGuilds: true,
      allowedTypes: ["DEFAULT"]

  async run(msg) {

You can find all the different types of allowedTypes at Discord.js Documentation.